Schoch, K. W. (2016). Case study research. In Burkholder, Gary J., Cox, K. A., Crawford, L. M. (Eds.), The Scholar-Practitioner’s Guide to Research Design, 1st Edition (pp. 227 – 241). [VitalSource Bookshelf Online].
Lynn, L., Salter, D., Milanesi, L., Spillett, M., Schoch, K., Shulz, W., Anderson, E.S., Walsh, L., & Larkin, G. (2011). Professional doctorates: Literature, History, Recommendations. Walden University White Paper.
Schoch, K. & Garfield, J. (2012). Seminar Grant, Bringing Theory to Practice. American Association for Colleges and Universities.
Garfield, J., & Schoch, K. (2009). Evaluating the Impact of Community Leadership: Researching Leadership Development Outcomes. Walden University Faculty Research Initiative Grant.
Case study research in school leadership and finance. A joint research project conducted by Dr. Rick Cox and Dr. Kurt Schoch.
Using Pedagogical Dialogue as a vehicle to encourage faculty technology use
Friel, T., Britten, J., Compton, B., Peak, A., Schoch, K., VanTyle, K.W. (2009). Using pedagogical dialogue as a vehicle to encourage faculty technology use. Computers in Education, 53(2), 300 – 307.
Six Stages of Facilitator Comfort
Ellson, S. K, and Schoch, K. W. (1999). Six stages of facilitator comfort. The Journal for Quality and Participation, 22(4), 16 – 20.
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