Effective Team Culture

Cohesive, Productive Teams

Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team

The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team

The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team is an assessment-based learning experience that helps individuals and organizations reveal what it takes to build a truly cohesive and effective team in the most approachable, competent, and effective way possible. Powered by Everything DiSC, the profiles help participants understand their own DiSC styles. Bringing together everyone's personalities and preferences to form a cohesive, productive team takes work, but the payoff can be huge -- for individuals, the team, and the organization.

Listen to Patrick Lencioni address the importance of teamwork.

Read these examples of improved team functioning in health care, a farm market, manufacturing, city government, and Microsoft.  All illustrate teams moving to higher levels of performance using The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team.

The Five Behaviors™ Personal Development

Speaker Pointing to Young Man — Zionsville, IN — Performance Improvement Consulting

This product was created to harness the power of The Five Behaviors™ across the entire organization. The Five Behaviors™: Personal Development solution teaches individuals to become better teammates by integrating Patrick Lencioni’s model at the organizational level. The goal is to completely redefine teamwork and collaboration.

Click here for more information:

The Five Behaviors™ Personal Development

Next Steps...

Ready to learn how your team can be more effective? Contact me at kurt@kwschochconsulting.com

The 6 Types of Working Genius

When it comes to work, we all have gifts. We are meant to use those gifts, and it is frustrating, sometimes tragic, when we can't. Of course, if we don't know our gifts, we can't be sure that we are using them.

The Six Types of Working Genius is a model and an assessment tool that allows anyone—CEOs, teachers, factory supervisors, college students—to identify their gifts and limitations so they can maximize their satisfaction and success in any kind of work they do. In thirty minutes, someone can radically alter their day-to-day job fulfillment or even their career direction. What a difference that can make in a person’s life.

As it turns out, those six types of genius—Wonder, Invention, Discernment, Galvanizing, Enablement and Tenacity—make up the six required activities for any work endeavor. Whether you’re engaged in running a company, a department, a project, or even a family, all six are necessary ingredients for success. And no one person can embody them all, which is why teamwork is so important.

And among those six types, everyone has two that we call areas of genius, where we get our joy and energy and have natural ability. We have two that we call areas of frustration, where we get drained of joy and energy and have little natural ability. And then there are two in the middle, areas where we might have some ability, but is not a source of energy and satisfaction.

Imagine if every company, every organization, every team knew the areas of genius, competency and frustration of their people and organized them for success. And imagine if every parent knew those areas of genius for their spouse and children. It’s not an exaggeration to say that there would be more joy and less misery in society. But that has to happen one person at a time. And that person might as well be you.

What are your areas of genius?

Contact me for an assessment to learn your areas of Working Genius and learn how to use them in leadership, teamwork, hiring, and other areas.
(c) The Table Group

Everything DiSC

Everything Disc

Everything DiSC® is a transformational tool to help you understand yourself and others to have more effective relationships, offering specific solutions for people at any level of an organization, while creating a common language that everyone can use.

Everything DiSC® is the simplest and most robust model for understanding people, with immediately applicable solutions to build better relationships that lead to better workplaces and productivity.

Are you in a health care organization? Read this two-page article on how Everything DiSC® helped the organization understand behaviors and communication styles of employees, providers, patients, and families.

Everything DiSC in Health Care

Contact me at kurt@kwschochconsulting.com to see how an Everything DiSC assessment can help your team be more productive.

Core Values

Taylor Protocols

The Core Values Index (CVI) is the only human assessment using strategic and tactical values in a word-choice format. It reveals the innate nature of a person and their core motivational drivers. Core motivational drivers dictate the behaviors and desired work that develop self-esteem, causing people to subconsciously seek work offering an opportunity to make their highest contribution possible.

We identify precisely which motivational drivers (energies) are needed in a given role, determine the amount of energy required, then screen-in only those candidates whose CVI scores indicate a natural proclivity toward that type of work.

The difference between the CVI and other tools is the CVI measures innate preference (suitability) rather than ability or adaptability. It identifies what fulfills someone about the work they do, rather than determines whether or not they are capable of doing the work. Resume review and skills-testing take care of the capability component. The CVI handles the critical suitability component.

The CVI provides a 97% repeat-score reliability, year over year. Other assessments typically provide reliability between 60% and 80%.

Other assessment tools are fraught with problems of misrepresentation by the users, who tend to create false-positives when completing the assessment. This is because other tools contain context-loaded questions and requirements to disclose negative information about one’s self. Since the CVI is comprised of only positive values, no negative disclosure is required and no self-reporting context is provided.

Simply put, the CVI cannot be rigged. A candidate cannot second-guess the responses they think an employer hopes to see.

The CVI just passed the 803,000-user benchmark and is installed in over 700 companies in 26 countries.

Read about Taylor Protocols

Try the CVI Assessment for free here: http://bit.ly/kschoch-free-cvi

Certified Practitioner
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